Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Who at CNN decided only “Genocide Joe” and the felon tRump should debate?

There ARE other candidates running

Deb C.
1 min read·3 days ago

Seems nobody really gives a shit about Democracy in this supposed Democracy. When Genocide Joe said, when running in 2019 that, “Nothing will fundamentally change” — he meant it. All you need do is look at your lives now, versus then, despite what Dr. Jill and The View sycophants have to say:

(From YouTube)

I’m tired of the duopoly, Fam — and you should be too. We’ve NEVER taken advantage of the opportunity to kick their asses to the curb and try something new. But I really believe we have that chance with Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka. Please take a listen:

All of you “Uncommitted” voters should consider how much change you can make (you’ve already seen how much you’ve rocked the Democrats in their certainty). Take a chance on something different and new. I’m right there with you.

Please check out this excellent post by Brother 

 to see just how something different and new could possibly work!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wake-up calls are a REAL thing, Fam…we ain’t runnin’ SHIT!

 While I’ve been trying to comment as much as I can on folks’ writing that matter a lot to me, I’ve not been writing — so much so that I have little, to NO $tat$! That’s okay with me though, cuz I don’t write here for the money. I do it because I wanna engage with other folk, as well as share shit. This short post is about the latter

On March 12, I had a seizure. Who knew??!! I surely damned didn’t (not for the first time, I was bamboozled, by the not knowing — let me tell you!). And while that shit was, and still is fuck*n with my damned head, I am SO, SO eternally grateful for the man with whom I chose to share my life for the last, 42 years.

He plays golf every Thursday in a golf league, created with a bunch of old, retired guys just like himself (bless their hearts, they’ve made little signs, shirts and hats with their league name and logo on them and everthing!) — most of them, Mexican born and bred in San Antonio, share the real, Cesar-Chavez history of the city. He, in turn, respectfully and joyfully shares that knowledge with us — like what high schools were the shit in sports when they grew up, or what used to be there, but’s no longer (gentrification and gerrymandering’s everywhere, Fam). But I think what’s brought them the closest, isn’t only their prior military shit, it’s become the fact that one of his owns’ daughter was the partner of Brian Sicknick, an officer killed in the January 6th storming of the Capitol.

So every Thursday, he writes me a beautiful note on a section of a Bounty paper towel next to the Keurig he sets up with a cup and Cafe Bustelo loaded. I’ve saved them all (Keep an eye out for the “Paper Towel Diaries”©).

And on the first Thursday after my seizure, this is what he wrote:

(My Darlin’s love for me)

We fell in love 42 years ago, to Minnie’s “Lovin’’ You,” — it’s been the soundtrack of our lives for all of our lives. After the damned seizure, we were trying to figure out how our old asses could just keep livin’ life — on our own terms. I promised to take the anti-seizure medicine as prescribed (cuz he knows how much I fuck*n hate pills, until I do enough research along with my neuro f/u consult on that shit to really understand what the hell’s going on), and that Mofo bought some cameras — one aimed at my seat at the laptop in the dining room, and the other aimed at the bed cuz he knows I sleep late, so he can keep doing his golf shit (gets on my damned nerves sometimes when I’m sleepin’ late and hear his ass yellin’ at me at the top of his lungs, “Hey, you hear me??!” Yeah, Mofo, I do — I’m still fuck*n’ SLEEPIN’!!

Wake-up calls really are a thing, Fam — we ain’t runnin’ SHIT!!

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Were it not for Isaac Woodard, there’d be no Brown v. Board --The beginning of the end of Separate but Equal in America

The Professor, @William Spivey, at Medium.com wrote a helluva piece on Isaac Woodard here, Fam. Please do read it! It’ll help you understand what came after that brutal beating.

Watch this PBS movie about Mr. Woodard — “The Blinding of Isaac Woodard,” — it expires 2/28, so hurry up! If you read this later than that, you can see it here on YouTube with an interesting discussion as well:


My mother’s best friend — Miss Dora — worked for the Waring family as a “domestic” for a large part of her life and mine. As a matter of fact, I think she still works for them off and on, on occasion. I remember finallywatching “The Help,” and after Viola Davis saying she’d not liked playing the part of Abilene, I was more than a little warm about that shit — just cuz I saw and grew up with Black women who did this work, that were heretofore a soft place to land for many of our families — both Black and white (hell, Ms. Dora put four kids through HBCUs on that shit!).

Here’s an interesting further discussion…(interesting how throwing around that whole racial reckoning bullshit, but not meaning a damned thing about it, produces not a damned thing, no?)

Thurgood was the Ben Crump of his day — I’m so damned happy he was!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

John Mark Dougan speaks to Andrey Kior from Mariupol

If we continue to listen to the propaganda of the presstitute media, we, in the West — will continue to suck in, and then parrot the untruths they spew. Here, we get another side of the story:
Our government is FULLY supporting a Nazi regime in Ukraine, Family. And while Jews here condemn Kanye West and Kyrie Irving as the worst of the worst anti-Semites — they avert their eyes and support, the worst anti-Semites in their history and their present. Hypocrites all! 

Western media keeps braying, “There are no Nazis in Ukraine!” They say it’s impossible because Zelensky is a Jew — miss me with that bullshit! There’s so much evidence to the contrary, if one really wants to know. So why don’t they want to know the truth? Because if they faced it, they’d have to admit the gazillions of dollars and weapons the U.S. government and its allies have, and continue to funnel into Ukraine — is in support of everything they claim to stand against. They’d have to admit all their performative bullshit against the Neo-nazis here in this country is just that — bullshit. 

And given how the U.S. treated Jews seeking asylum after World War II, I really don’t see why they’re perpetrating this fraud. What I think I do see, is why the Jews in our government go along with this shit. All I can think is, “Revenge is a dish best served, cold.” Too conspiratorial? Maybe. But you need to explain to me why they’re thumpin’ these non-powerful Black guys, all while powerful America’s supporting folk who killed their ancestors and their progeny.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Dr. King still relevant -- proving we haven’t learned shit

Prescient, is all I can say about this man whose voice thundered over the propaganda machine that was, and still is our presstitute media. That’s why they murdered him.
“When we think scientific power outruns moral power, we end up with guided missiles and misguided men."
He sure didn’t lie there! Even though he was talking about Vietnam, it still applies up to, and including today. Look at how those “misguided men,” leaning on “scientific power” lied this country into Iraq, Afghanistan and now Ukraine. 

I see no signs of them, or things changing unless we the people make it so.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

I just witnessed the worst piece of political theatre I’ve ever seen in my damned life! And that’s after Obama! Speaks volumes of the bullshittery, No?

Maybe I’m just an old-head but, Chi-i-i-le, I’m sitting here listening to this, “We-didn’t-want-your-ass-for-15-ballots" Kevin McCarthy — giving his damned acceptance speech as Speaker of the House of Representatives. I’m just shakin’ my damned head, Fam.

Some folk have no shame. Does he not realize that we ALL watched (well, us old, retired folk with nothing else to do, at least) — this dog-n-pony show going on? What was it for? To get to this? To get to you??!!

What a f*ckin’ performance. From Hakeem Jeffries’ wanna-come-off-like-Obama, self-serving nod to Pelosi (under the guise of his, “Here I am for 2028, folks!), to Kevin’s, George Washington crossing the Delaware, Abe Lincoln diatribe and then rounding it up with the family — nothin’ but performance.

We’re pawns, Fam — pawns in both their performative games of power. All that rote, patriotic bullshit is just that — bullshit. Unless and until we use what little power we have left to get rid of these performers, there’ll be more little Kevins, or Obamas, whichever comes first (and it’ll be either/or — since there’s only TWO parties).
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