Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Checkmate - the "Master Gamesman" captures the crown

Well, it's all over but the shoutin' as my grandmother used to say. As I type, ABC News is calling it a done deal - Barack Obama is the Democratic Party nominee. He's made the history so many have longed to see and many others have dreaded. With no other apparently viable move left, Sen. Clinton has been "mated." I expect her concession speech will arrive postehaste. My knowledge of chess is limited to, for the most part, knowing the names of the pieces, how they move and a few lucky wins. I don't profess to know the strategies (let alone their names!) involved in being a master of the game. What I do know though, is most players would resign a game if victory seemed out-of-reach rather than be "mated." During this presidential bid, Hillary Clinton chose not to do so. And I have to say, for a lot of reasons, I am glad she did not. More after I listen to their speeches...

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