Saturday, November 15, 2008

A tribute to new Senior White House Advisor, Valerie Jarrett and the President-elect...

Flineo's done it again!

And just to refresh your memory about the "ties that bind," I'm re-posting this link to The Boston Globe's excellent piece of investigative reporting, Grim proving ground for Obama's housing policy, published in June '08 about Grove Parc Plaza. And please, watch the video introduction as well. It seems knowing where all the bones are buried is another, great political "strategy."


Anonymous said...

What is happening with the U. S. government today puts me in mind of smaller governments in nations that are well-known for corruption. Governments that take millions of dollars of international aid every year with the obligation of providing and distributing needed resources to people not in the government. Of course the resources are not appropriately allocated and distributed. Much goes to the ruling class. Different groups take turns in the ruling class to "get theirs." That is what we have in the United States of America today. Two factions of the ruling class taking their turns to feed at the public trough.

DebC said...

ea...Amen to all of that! But the problem in the good ole US of A, is our "ruling class" prefers to look down their noses with scorn and act like they're so much better than those other corrupt nations. And the worst part is, a lot of Americans really believe that trash.

Realization of MLK's dream??? Please!!! All of this, all of them just make me wanna holler!

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