US President Barack Obama is coming to Germany again in June, but he won't be visiting Berlin. Instead, he is planning a more personal trip to Dresden and the concentration camp Buchenwald in search of his family history. There will be no photo op with Merkel in the Chancellery -- a deliberate move on Obama's part. (emphasis mine)
SPIEGEL: Mr. Payne, early in June your great-nephew, President Barack Obama, will visit the former concentration camp Buchenwald, which you helped liberate at the end of the war. Will he be travelling in your footsteps?
Charles Payne: I don't buy that. I was quite surprised when the whole thing came up and Barack talked about my war experiences in Nazi Germany. We had never talked about that before. This is a trip that he chose, not because of me I'm sure, but for political reasons.(emphasis mine).
In Germany, Obama plans to skip the capital in Berlin and instead visit the eastern states of Thuringia and Saxony. And even there, the German government has had little influence over his itinerary. The White House has so far blocked the wishes of the German government, which would like to see the president appear side-by-side with Merkel and local dignitaries and attract massive publicity during his stops in Dresden and Weimar...But Obama's advance team rejected the suggestions, SPIEGEL has learned.

In Soldier Seeking Asylum: 'I Want to Be Able to Atone', it's obvious 32 year-old Shepard isn't expecting a visit from the Changeling and he talks about why:
Elsa Rassbach: Do you think President Obama is going to change any of this?
Shepherd: No. Obama has the backing of the international corporations. And the people who gave him the most money are the ones whose interests are going to be served first. And it's quite obvious. He won't go after the prior administration for the war crimes; he won't pull out of Iraq. He's leaving 50,000 soldiers to conduct combat missions in Iraq. That means the war is continuing. He wants to escalate the war in Afghanistan. He wants to keep pushing for AFRICOM, the U.S. command for Africa based in Stuttgart, and he's pushing for the missile shield to try to encircle Russia and Iran. These things show me that Barack Obama is not going to change anything. And Obama is only one guy. He still has to deal with the entire Congress, the court system, the Pen
tagon. The military has been around for over 220 some years, and they're not going to change overnight just because there's a new Commander-in-Chief. They're still arresting people who refuse to fight. They're still putting them in jail, giving them dishonorable discharges, and some are facing possible felony convictions. But Obama has yet to speak of the growing number of soldiers refusing to fight for him - well, first Bush, and now him. So I don't see President Obama granting anyone clemency until the entire "war on terror" is finished, and Afghanistan and Iraq are part of the same war. (emphasis mine - h/t to Joseph at Cannonfire for that right-on-time rendition!)

Obama will probably have his people call Shepherd to ask if there is a Popeye's Chicken in town.
Now see ea, you're wrong for that! :-)
Doesn't Uncle Payne sound a lot like Uncle Jeremiah? "He's a politician."
Which, I think translates as "lying sack o' crap, but he's family."
Cinie...He sure does. But the fact that he's "family," for expedience sake anyway, has thus far saved him from those bus treadmarks, or worse the attic! And how much "FAMILY" are we talkin'? If you read the article, Mr. Charlie seems not to know too much about the Changleing - nor he, him for that matter!
How much "family," Deb? About the same amount as he shares with Uncle Jeremiah. Unca Jerry prolly knows him a scosh better, and Unca Cholly got a little shared blood. Otherwise, they're about equal in commitment from their common "nephew," doncha think?
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