Friday, October 5, 2012

"Last Resort"

Just when I thought I'd been "loosed" from the demon, TV -- ABC's "Last Resort" pulled me right back in (for now at least, cuz we Black folk know, or should know, how "Hollyweird," coined from Ankh over "At the Bar") does shit when it comes to us.  But I have to say that, two episodes in, I'm lovin' "Last Resort" (link to Episode 1) for so many reasons, past and present!  When I was in the Navy, women couldn't go to sea -- at all.  I could do without the gratuitous sex that networks seem to feel they absolutely have to insert everywhere, however.

From, Frank Pembleton in "Homicide:  Life on the Streets," to his, Capt. Marcus Chaplin in "Last Resort" (and plenty in between!) -- I have enjoyed Andre Braugher immensely.

He plays the hayell out of this new role so far!  I hope they don't emasculate him, or try to make him so much "like white Mike," that I stop watching the show -- because both he, and it, are a welcome breath of fresh air, compared to the standard military fare all over the tube (particularly since 9/11), where nothing but killing  "the Other" is the aim and "American exceptionalism" always trumps common sense -- lawful orders or not.  Yeah, I know it's just TV, but the Changeling could certainly take a page from Capt. Chaplin's, strong-Black-man-in-a-white-man's-world book!

Listen to Braugher's take on the show, his work and his life in this interview and maybe you'll agree that Capt. Chaplin is, indeed, "a unique hero":

I'm gonna reserve my "shrimp and grits" commentary for another post -- because being a South Carolina girl with Gullah roots, that does tap dance on my last nerve for a few good reasons!

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